Journey Healing Centers
Drug Rehab | Alcohol Rehab | Addiction Recovery
Journey Healing Centers
8072 Highland Dr
Salt Lake City UT 84121
Tel: 801 947-0277; 866 677-7212
Heal With Dignity and Respect
Journey Healing Centers are drug treatment facilities that provide a holistic and tranquil course towards freedom from addictions. Here at Journey Healing Centers we are committed to providing a customized program to fit each individuals needs. We offer specialized drug treatment counseling aimed at helping our clients develop a new self-image, begin positive life changes, and stay sober. Our focus is to help individuals take responsibility for their actions and choices by providing consistent behaviors and consequences. Everyone is part of our team here at Journey Healing Centers. We rely on one another and work together to help everyone reach their personal goals and potential. Journey Healing Centers are safe, respectful, and secure drug rehab centers in which individuals are encouraged to risk, trust, feel and share. Our clients will embark on a journey of self-discovery, and it is our goal to make that discovery be one of freedom and success.
About Us
Let us take a moment and introduce to you one of the best drug and alcohol treatment centers in the nation. We believe that the nature of addiction and chemical dependency requires taking an approach to treatment that involves healing the body, mind, and soul. Our program is designed to use a variety of methodologies that address not only the physical addiction but the mental addiction and side effects which must be overcome in order to become completely free from the grasps of addiction.
Our Clinical understands that there is much more to helping our clients to overcome their addictions that merely treating the outward symptoms of those addictions. Often outward symptoms which are manifest in drug and alcohol abuse stem from an inward struggle within oneself. For this reason Journey Healing Centers offers Dual Diagnosis, which enables our clients to address both the physical as well as the mental aspects that are the root causes of their abuse. Our team has expertise in the treatment of substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. Our multi-dimensional approach to treatment includes behavioristic, psychoanalytic, humanistic, and transpersonal. In addition to traditional treatment, our program gives the client an array of different modalities that is tailored to the client's needs. Furthermore, the residents are introduced to the Twelve-Step philosophy and to the teachings of "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz.
Journey Healing Centers provides individual consultations along with therapeutic and didactic groups. We also give our clients the opportunity to heal the mind, body, and soul through our holistic program which includes but not limited to, NIA (Neuromuscular Integrative Action), Yoga, Creative Art Therapy, Toltec Wisdom Group, Rhythms of Life Drumming, Sweat Lodge, and Massage Therapy.
Journey Healing Center's Admissions staff is standing by to help you find the best treatment for you or your loved ones needs. We would be honored to answer any questions you may have regarding our facility or give you a tour.
Thank you and we look forward to serving you and your loved ones.
